A few hours after Milimani Law Courts instructed the ruling party to redo the gubernatorial primaries in Muranga County details have emerged that our mothers, fathers, illiterate and semi illiterate may not participate in the exercise.
This is because most of them If not all, did not get the Jubilee smart cards during the infamous Jubilee Party registration exercise that was carried by very few wealthy stinking politicians.
According to a survey done by KK online News, it's evident that 70% of the registered Jubilee party members are youth who were lured by the politicians who wanted them to vote for them. Surprisingly, most of these youths are the students and town dwellers.
Talking to KK online News, an official from the party has revealed that 12 of the members are the semi illiterate, 10 are the old elite in the society while 8% comprises of the illiterate.
What does this mean to Wa Iria Jamleck
This could lay a very good battle grounds for Kigumo Mp Hon Jamleck Kamau since he is touted to be the darling of the youths! It us said that he was among the very first politicians who managed to buy hundreds of thousands Smart cards to his favorites, the Youth.
This could be the greatest reason why Kamau despite conceding a humiliating defeat by the Incumbent made a surprise come back through the law suit. He knew too well that the party had resolved to include all the residents which is contrary to Political parties regulations.
On the other hand,,Wa Iria who is considered to be the 'Father of the Oppressed' Baba ya Wanyonge as he calls it l, they may not get a chance to nominate their "Liberator" during a repeat of the nominations.
This answers why Kamau employed a delay tactic (Guerrilla tactic) and took a well choreographed move to sue Wa Iria in the last minute where he can't get to vie as an Independent candidate so that his name will not in the ballot come August. It's worth noting that the deadline for political parties to submit their nominees will be lapsing on Sunday 21/8/207
Most of Wa Irias supporters are farmers, majority of whom are illiterate, semi illiterate and the poor,,who happens to be the simple majority.
This therefore spells doom and a very exposing battle filed to Governor Mwangi wa Iria. His supporters though should hold their breath and pray that Wa Iria's appeal for through.