Thursday, August 3

Jubilee's Officials Given Yellow Card Over Disrespecting the Party

Two of the Jubilee party officials in Murang'a County have been served with warning letters over disrespecting the President's party.

Jubilee's chair for the youth league Mr Ken Stephen Muchoki and the Deputy organizing secretary Mr. Joel Irungu Mwaniki are accused of supporting and campaigning for non Jubilee members an action that may attract a disciplinary action and even being expelled from the party and de registration as party members.

According to the two letters addressed to the two officials Ken and Joel, the branch officials have violated the party's constitution attracting the chairperson's attention into issuing a last warning to the duo.

The letters duly signed by Mr. Kamau Gikuru, chairman Murang’a  county Jubilee Party, has warned them of dire consequences if they did not adhere to the warning.

Mr Kamau said that he would not sit and watch as the bona-fide party officials contravene the party's constitution that they vowed to protect at all costs.