Muranga County Assembly has got new look, If the General elections will reflect the outcomes of Jubilee party primaries.
According to the survey done by KK online News has learnt that the "No Wira Tu" movement has swept almost all the Mcas punishing them for the Impeachment motion. Only four managed to secure their seats.
The Muranga County Assembly may have the following new faces.
Kanyenyaini Ward. Samuel Gatitu
Muguru Ward. Maina Ngundo
Rwathia ward. Njukia Nyota
Gitugi ward. Jackson Mutungi
Kiru Ward. Gakungu Githii
Kamacharia. Mwangi Wambugu
Wangu Ward. Isaac Kamote
Mugoiri Ward. Sospeter Nyoko
Mbiri Ward. Dancun Muturi
Township Ward. Jacinta Nganga
Murarandia. Kiuru Nganga
Gaturi. Rosemary Wakuthii
Kahumbu. Eric. Kamande
Muthithi. John Mwangi
Kigumo. John Kairu
Kangari. Charles Kahoro
Kinyona. Gachanja Muiruri
Kimorori. Amos Murigi
Mukuyu. Stanley Mburu
Kambiti. Wagathoni Irungu Kamahuha. Kambera Karanja
Ichagaki. Charles Mwangi
Nginda. Nduati Zabron
Ngararia. Wamweha Mwaura
Muruka. Peter Murigi
Kagunduini. Peter Mburu
Gaichanjiru. Elias Kariuki
Ithiru. Francis Kibe
Ruchu. Daniel Chege
Ithanga. Mwangi. Waweru
Kakuzi. Maina Muthoni
Mugumoini Peter Muiruri
Kihumbuini. Francis Kibe
Gatanga. Nahashon Gachuki
Kariara. Joel Mungai
Out of the 35 Mcas only Wakuthii, Kamote, Kamande and Murigi who secured a jubilee ticket to Muranga.
On Members of Parliament only Alice Wahome secured a Jubilee ticket against seven of her colleagues
Have a look
Kandara. Alice Wahome
Maragua Mary Wamaua
Gatanga. Joseph Nduati
Kigumo. Ruth Mwaniki
Kiharu. Ndindi Nyoro
Kangema. Muturi Kigano
Mathioya. Peter Kimari
All the 6 Incumbents did not secure a ticket even after massive campaigns.
Muranga Governor trashed Jamleck Kamau While the Deputy Speaker of the Senate was shown the door by his law student Irungu Kangata while Sabina Chege sent her colleague journalist Muithirania to political Siberia.
Interestingly Wa Iria was the sole Governor in Central Kenya who secured a ticket who he and Martin Wambora made it in the Mt. Kenya region.