Wednesday, June 14

LEGAL TSUNAMI: 4pm Today Moses Mwangi's Date With High Court

If you thought Dr Moses Ndungu Mwangi was out of the hook over a case that has been filed against him and ruled on his favour was over (of allegations of party hopping ) then you are indeed mistaken.

The case that had been filed by Peter Gatawa, a former Kiru Councillor, a loser of Jubilee party primaries and a close ally of Governor Mwangi wa Iria had been dismissed by Milimani law courts but Gatawa appealed in the High Court with an aim of vindicating his allegations with what he calls un impeachable evidence hoping that he shall get unequivocal justice.

He has filed a litany of accusations against Mzalendo Saba Saba party Gubernatorial Aspirant.

Gatawa urges the Court to nullify Moses Mwangi's candidature over claims that he party hopped from Jubilee Party to Maendeleo Chap Chap and then to Mzalendo Saba Saba party.

Kk online News has since established that Jubilee Party has affirmed that they never received a resignation letter from Doctor Moses who defected from Jubilee party a day before the first flopped party primaries.

The case which have kept Moses and his supporters wide awake will be determined in less that 8 hours from now.

His followers have ants in pants because if it is ruled against their favour then it means that Daktari may not be in the ballot on 8/8/2017 a move that may demotivate them from participating in the General elections.

However if the case will be ruled in their favour then it creates a very fertile grounds for Moses to seek sympathy from the voters who may see this as a move to deny  his political right.

The ruling may make or break Dr. Moses' Candidature something that has made his supporters hold their breath relentlessly waiting for the verdict.

Yesterday Moses took to social media asking his supporters to "accompany him at the Court precincts and offer moral support to our Governor"

He accused his opponent for sponsoring Court litigations in efforts to have him Disqualified to participate in the General elections.

In an emotional facebook post Moses wrote. "They have partially succeeded because his name now cannot be gazetted by Iebc pending the hearing and determination of the case levelled against him".

He concluded with a Bible verse from Luke 18:7&8: "And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly."

We will be closely monitoring the case and we shall be updating you on the proceedings and the ruling of the same