Tuesday, January 16

MOCK: Kangema Residents Reacts To Their Mp's New Year Present


The decision by Kangema constituents to elect a 75-year old man who started vying for the position before many of you who are reading this article were not born shocked Kenyans who applauded the veteran politician with equal measure for not losing hope in his political career.

What you may not is that MP Muturi Kigano promised so much goodies to the residents among them tarmacking afresh Kangema-Kanyenyaini 7km stretch that had been tarmacked a long time ago but had dilapidated leaving it in a pathetic state.

Electorates do not necessarily vote due to politicians' promises but residents who use that road kept Mr Kigano's word given that he also uses the same road when heading to his home.

Recently, true to Mheshimiwa's word an engineer was seen patching the roads.

But after some time, the Contractor vanished from the site and left some pot holes unattended.

Residents took to the streets and demanded to know why the rehabilitation had been brought to a halt.

"We are still expecting that this road will be tarmacked afresh as the MP promised, we want to see the machinery on site doing the ground work," said the residents who were demonstrated.

Two days after members expressed fury, another contractor visited the site and filled the potholes.

The photo of the road taken by a KK Online News Informer illustrates how the road was repaired.

Poor workmanship can be attested as shown in the photo.

But the locals say the MP promised heaven only to receive hell!

"He told us he would tarmacked afresh this road look at what he has delivered, the biggest ridicule of the year," a resident told KK Online News.

Other residents mocked the road saying the their MP had first delivered his campaign promise with a brand new tarmacked road.

John Waweru said "We hope President Uhuru Kenyatta will visit Kangema soon to launch the road.

They expressed dissatisfaction saying the patches will only last for a month while others suggested that the money would have gone to bursaries.

"It's laughable that the money was channeled to the road to perform a shoddy job while the residents are conducting harambees to assist poor but bright children join form ones," they said.

They have now vowed that they will resume their demos twice a week if there will be no plans to tarmack the road afresh.
A Photo showing Kangema Kanyenyaini road