Friday, May 12


The news that Wiper Democratic Party has nominated Kalonzo's Son has sparked outrage, the Jubilee Government swearing to block the Party's decision in Parliament.
So Much so that His Excellency The Deputy President joined Majority leader Hon Aden Duale in castigating the opposition for 'Nepotism'.
Ruto condemned the Opposition for propagating Nopotism asking Kenyans not to vote for them stating that they could never run the Government.
However Ruto's sentiments did not go un attended.
NASA's communication team has accused Ruto for the following :

1. Just In February, the Dp admitted to having found a 90k a month job for an unqualified Mama Abby simply because the latter was his mpango wa kando.

2. His son, Nixon Ruto, 25, was given a more than 10 billion inflated contract to supply concrete poles to Kenya power.

3. His brother in-law Ken Tarus was recently appointed as CEO of KPLC.

4. His Daughter  June Ruto is a high ranking official at the ministry of foreign affairs, drawing a salary equivalent to that of an ambassador.

William Ruto should be the last to speak about nepotism. (about Kalonzo pushing his son to EALA)