Monday, June 19

Mysteries Surrounding Uhuru's Itinerary To Murang'a

Murang'a residents have been expecting The Country's CEO, His Excellency Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta today (Tuesday) but his visit was postponed to Wednesday (21/6/2017)

Alot of speculations has been spread over why the visit was postponed some arguing that it is because of 'Rivalry between Murang'a Jubilee nominees while others having a notion that some leaders wanted the route revised and hence the need to reschedule the visit.

There are others who hold the view that  President Kenyatta may have postponed his visit since he could be in dilemma on how he would deal with Independent candidates who are embroiled in a serious campaign to dislodge Jubilee Nominees.

However KK online News has learnt that President Uhuru Kenyatta's visit was rescheduled so that he may have ample time to address Murang'a residents in several stop overs.

According to Murang'a Women Representative Hon Sabina Wanjiru Chege, today's visit was slated for 3 hours since he was to tour Murang'a and Nyeri Counties. "We feel good since Our President will spend the whole day in Muranga on Wednesday interacting with the electorates," Sabina told KK online News.

She affirmed that all Murang'a Jubilee nominees are United and that they are all reading from the same script.

On Sunday, KK online News learnt that all Jubilee Nominees apart from Governor Mwangi wa Iria attended a Meeting at Golden Palm hotel located at Kenol to discuss afew issues in regard with President's visit to Muranga County.

Although Wa Iria's reasons for not attending the said meeting remains unclear, Sabina Chege said that they expected him to join them.

In the said meeting Kigumo's Jubilee nominee for Parliamentary seat Ruth Wangari Mwaniki is said to have raised an issue with the President's diary on Kigumo stop overs.

However KK online News has information that parts of Kigumo are included in the visit.

At the same time KK online News has obtained three conflicting messages addressing tomorrow's visit have a look.

"The Presidents itinerary on Wednesday 21st June will be as follows posts,jogoo,mabanda,kiunyu,kahaini,kabati,kenol,Kagunduini,karega ,muthithi, maragua,mukuyu,kahuro,Kangema,kiriaini,kamacharia,mugeka finally at  IHURA STADIUM for the rally. Public need to be at all the above stop overs to wellcome him.They also need to start gathering at Ihura from mid day for the rally."

"Blue post, mabanda, kiunyu, Kabati, kenol, kagunduini, kirere, Muthithi, maragua, makuyu, kahuro, kangema and mega rally at Rurii in kiriaini"

"H.E The President Uhuru Kenyatta and DP Ruto are expected to Visit Muranga County on Wednesday 21.06.17. Let's come out in Large numbers and welcome him from Gatunyu, Mabanda, Kiunyu, Kabati, Kenol, Kagunduini, Kirere, Muthithi, Maragua, Mukuyu, Kahuro, Kangema and Mega Rally at Rurii Kiriaini. May God Bless our county"

This means that it is not clear on where the mega rally will be held. We will be keeping you posted on the unfolding of events.

CORRIDORS OF JUSTICE: 6 Suspects Of A Deadly Gaza Squad Arraigned At Muranga Court

6 suspects who are said to have links with a deadly Gaza gang have been arraigned at Muranga Law Courts.

The six who are said to be terrorizing Mukuyu residents were arrested on Friday night after the villagers of Kiawamburi, Maragi and Mukuyu areas raised security concerns.

"The group which compromises of 10 school drop outs have a history of breaking into people's houses and maiming residents before robbing them," Njogu a Resident from Kiawamburi told KK online News on Thursday.

The agitated residents had warned that they would deal with suspects ruthlessly if the police would not arrest them

It is said that one of the suspects ran
away with handcuffs.

The 6 appeared before Murang'a Principal Magistrate Antony Mwichigi but they did not take plea as they were not represented.

Prosecution pleaded with the Court to deny suspects bond as the accusations might intimindate and breach peace

The case will be mentioned on 21st this month.