Thursday, October 26


Murang’a Senator Irungu Kangata is known for two things: simplicity and love of President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Samoei Arap Ruto.

His close associates say if you want to see his reaction when he is furious, just talk ill of Uhuruto.
This was clearly witnessed after the Supreme Court nullified the August 8 general election. When all the other Jubilee leaders started mourning and criticizing the verdict in low tones away from the over excited Nasa supporters, Mr Kangata went to the Apex court with a banner bearing the photo of Mr Kenyatta.

It is in this court where all the National Super Alliance leaders assembled, from their god Raila Odinga to their irate supporters, but Mr Nyutu (Kangata’s nickname) braved the muscles of the Nasserites and boldly dismissed their celebrations. That’s a story for another day. 

He has done it again.

When he realized that the polling stations had registered low voter turnout in the morning, he did not spare any effort. Upon his intelligence that Murang’a residents who stay at Thika, Nairobi and their environs, had not showed up in their polling centers, Mr Kangata quickly mobilized the public service vehicles to go and bring the voters.

In most of the polling stations visited by KK Online news during the morning hours, only 15 to 25 per cent of the registered voters had turn out to vote.

However, after the Deputy Chief Whip’s intervention at around 10 am, electorates started thronging in their respective polling stations.
By noon, 65 per cent of the total registered voters had showed up! 

Most of the residents had expressed their worries pondering on what would happen if trend went on.
“I was afraid that if President Uhuru Kenyatta’s votes would decrease in comparison with the August 8 general election, Raila Odinga would have been seen a hero, thanks to Irungu Kangata,” Stella Wambui a voter at Kimorori polling center told KK Online news.

By the close of voting at 5 pm, Murang’a Counter had registered 89 per cent and people who were in queues had not been factored.

The Senate Chief Whip Mr Irungu Kangata with passengers. He settled for their bus fares after realizing low voter turnouts.  
Mr Kangata’s generosity was complimented by Governor Mwangi wa Iria and Murang’a Women rep Sabina Chege’s efforts of providing bus fares to the common Wanjiku who was not sure on whether to participate in the repeat Presidential election due to lack of fare.