All eyes in the County and the Country will be closely monitoring Muranga County tomorrow to see whether chaos will be the order of the day just like Saturday when jabs were exchanged, Kicks greeted each other and police officers made good use of the teargas.
Tomorrow's meeting will be conducted even after Education Cs Fred Matiangi instructed that political affairs should never be exercised in Learning institutions.
It's also not clear whether Governor Mwangi wa iria and his arc rival Hon jamlec Kamau will attend considering that Governors aspirants have been invited to the party's headquarters.
Though Chaos erupted because of Wa iria and jamlec it's interesting to note that only Wa Iria has been summoned to appear before the party's Displinary committee. KK online has learnt that Wa Iria did not attend the summon a move that is likely to cause jitters to the party officials.
Back to Tomorrow's business KK online has established that the following names have been recommended by Jamlec Kamau's supporters to sit in the Jubilee Party National Elections board.
Monicah Njeri a Counselor based at Muranga to represent Kiharu subcounty and Geoffrey Gitau to represent Kahuro Subcounty Mr Muniu to represent Kigumo Subcounty Venessiah Njihia retired teacher to represent Maragua Subcounty Simon Mwangi Maina to stand in for Kangema Subcounty
It will be very interesting to see whether these names will sail through.
A sections of political analysts believe that the above mentioned people have not been practicing politics and could be easily use as puppets to guard interests of politicians and thus raising the question. Will the Jubilee Party hold free and fair nominations as have been promising her members it's just a matter of time