Muranga citizens have decided to give Kembi Gitura early retirement.
According to our analysis Kangata has won with a margin of over 15,000 having defeated Kembi at Kiharu, Kigumo, Kangema and Mathioya Constituencies.
KK online News has established that Kangata has enjoyed massive support that Dr Wanjiku has given to Governor Mwangi wa Iria.
Have a look.
Senate results are as follows:
Constituency. Kang'ata. Kembi
Kiharu. 39,818. 26,203
Gatanga. 15,771. 26,344
Kigumo. 25,950. 16,990
Kandara. 24,599. 27,516
Kangema. 14,759. 10,152
Maragwa. 18,517. 26,517
Mathioya. 18,769. 13,078
TOTAL. 158,183. 146,800