Sunday, July 2

EXCLUSIVE: The Reasons Behind Habire Cheges Nomination

Stephen Habire Chege has been a staunch adherent of Governor Mwangi wa Iria who has stood with him through thick and thin.
His charisma courage and passion for Wa Iria has made him brush shoulders with the authorities not for dialogue and giving the security agencies advice but for summons after allegedly imposing curfew to Kigumo Lawmaker Hon Jamleck Kamau not to hold any political meeting In Township Ward and its environs. Infact the only time Kamau hold the public meeting in Muranga town was when he was launching his Manifesto where it is rumoured
that the security agencies were more than the residents.
Infact it was Habire who poured manure to Mumbi Grounds to prevent Kamau to launch his manifesto.
A straight forward young Turk has been very categorical on those who betray the 'King' vowing to displine any of Wa Iria's detractors with his might and spirit.
Habile is the secretary General for Natiƶnal Youth Council Muranga a position he has utilised to mobilize youths to get jobs from Muranga County Government.
In 2015, more than 200 youths were employed as casuals in rehabilitation of Ihura and Mumbi Stadium under his stewardship. "Through Habire I met Governor Mwangi wa Iria for the first time in my life and has assisted me alot in my life," Faith Waigwe told KK online News.
His loyalty to the Governor has earned him respect for his admirers while to his haters baptizing him a Goon.
His love for Wa Iria was first witnessed during the controversial Shillingi Kwa Shillingi Cooperative when almost every Murang'a leader was against the Governor. He came out as a representative of the youth and publicly expressed his support to Wa Iria.
Then it came the issue of Kaa Sober Initiative program at Ihura.
He mobilized all the affected members of the community and made Ihura his home. He used all his time, resources and energy living with the addicts at Ihura. (Wa Iria noted a youth with clean heart)
Then there arose an Impeachment motion against Wa Iria that was driven by Nominated Mcas on TNA party, Hon JamesBenson Kagoni and Mary Waithira.
Kagoni was nominated to represent the marginalized groups ie the Youth and here he was testifying against his TNA Governor.
Habire organised for a stand off between Murang'a youths and the Mcas and he blocked them from accessing the Assembly chanting slogans to rebuke the Mcas.
His main act that probably attracted both the eyes and ears of the Governor was when the EACC detectives raided Wa Iria's home in Gatanga at 4 in the Morning.
Upon receiving news that 'His Master' was in trouble Habire mobilized over 100 youths who went to his home to show their love and support for their Governor.

Habire has also contributed alot in advocating for Mjini residents where he urged the Governor to allocate Tittle deeds for them among other things.
We will be giving a detailed information on what made Joyce Wambui a Sister to PS for Planning and Statistics be nominated.

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