Thursday, April 20


Muranga Gubernatorial Aspirant Dr. Moses Mwangi Ndungu has termed Jamlec's allegations on printing of fake ballot papers as outrageous, asking him to report the matter to the police and Party headquarters.
Speaking after the brief by the Party on its preparedness on tomorrow's nominations, Mwangi said It was only fair for Kamau to report his allegations to the relevant authorities other than doing so in the media.
"You See the guy could be sensing defeat. Maybe he wants to tell people that he was rigged out when he is defeated in the party primaries are over and he is defeated and then say that it was not fair," Mwangi told Journalists.
Asked by Journalists whether he had sent a complaint letter to the police and to the Jubilee Party, Kamau said he had but did not produce the documents.
However yesterday at 5 in the evening Kk online News learnt that Hon Jamlec Kamau had written to Inspector General of police, to the Jubilee Party Coordinator in Muranga County and to the Jubilee Party over his 'allegations'.
Interestingly, the letter dated 19th of April,Yesterday, which is Five days after he started complaining.
On his part Muranga Governor Mwangi wa iria echoed Moses' opinion that Kamau had sensed Defeat and he was just seeking a soft landing. "Everybody knows who is the master of rigging in Muranga County but I thank the party since all loopholes used for rigging have been closed and Wanjiku will have the last word',  Wa Iria said.
This comes at a time when a reputable research Company Infotrak rated Wa Iria as the most popular Candidate in Muranga with 58% followed distantly by Jamlec Kamau at 20%. Jamlec has however trashed the results and has expressed confidence that he will win.

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