Sunday, April 30
ANALYSIS: Jamleck Kamau Waithira Muithirania And Kembi Gitura Teaming Up For KAWAKE
Funny enough Waithira Muithirania, who dreamt of becoming Murang'a Women Women Rep and was miserably 'beaten' by Incumbent Hon Wanjiru Chege also rejected the results. To be precise the difference between Waithira and Wanjiru was like the Heaven and Hell 110000 votes
Kamau who is almost becoming inert to Murang'a and National Politics, rejected the outcomes insisting that the exercise was marred by anomalies. "There were cases of multiple voting and that's the main reason why Jubilee officials delayed the results so as to balance,' the Angry and frustrated Kamau told Journalists.
On his Part Murang'a Senator Kembi Gitura has gone a step further and has warned the Jubilee party that "If the Nominations for Kiharu and Mathioya will not be repeated, he will follow his supporters advice" whom he say were not comfortable with the outcomes.
KK ONLINE NEWS has information that the three LOSERS are up for an alliance.
According to a confidant of the three parties who talked to KK ONLINE NEWS on condition of anonymity they could be soon issuing a joint press briefing to announce TEAM MURANG'A by the name KAWAKE meaning KAMAU WAITHIRA KEMBI. Their main agenda will be discrediting the Jubilee Nominees and blaming powerful individuals in the Jubilee Government for 'SHAM JUBILEE PARTY NOMINATIONS'
If the information we have will be something to go by, then the KAWAKE team will meet greater obstacles since some of Sabina supporters supported the gubernatorial quest for Jamleck Kamau while Kembi enjoyed great support from Wanjiru supporters.
However, when asked about the plans by KK Online, Kembi said he spoke on his behalf and he did not represent other leaders.
Jamleck Kamau, Waithira Muithirania and Kembi Gitura respectively
Interestingly Jamleck Kamau who was in the Steering Committee when Jubilee party was formed under the chairmanship of Kiraitu Murungi and Noah Wekesa had exceeded confidence in the President's eyes that he could trounce Wa Iria and had pleaded with him to concede after he emerged the winner
Friday, April 28
WHAAT: Jamleck Kamau Will Be Vying For Muranga Governor As An Independent Candidate?
After terribly loosing his bid for the Muranga Gubernatorial seat through the Jubilee Party ticket, there are clear indications that Hon Jamleck Kamau may vie as an Independent candidate.
Kamau, the Kigumo lawmaker for the next three months, lost with a recognizable difference of close to 100,000. Interestingly, Kamau was mercilessly beaten by Wa Iria in his own backyard Kigumo constituency with a margin of close to 10,000 votes.
In a letter seen by KK online News, Kamau has rejected the outcome of the Gubernatorial, Senatorial and Women representative posts.
Kamau who had sworn to thrash Wa Iria in the Jubilee Party primaries, says he had earlier launched a complaint at the Jubilee Party headquarters on plans to rig the nominations but that his concerns fell on deaf ears.
Jamleck Kamau is perceived to be a strong supporter of the Jubilee government with a perception that he is close to His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta and therefore it would be disloyal for him to decamp from the party and vie using a 'friendly' political vehicle.
Although he did not confirm that he will be vying as an Independent candidate, the phrase that... " I'm still consulting my Supporters on the way forward....." says a lot.
Other big Loosers in Muranga were Kembi Gitura, Gatanga Mp Humfrey Njoroge aka roho safi, Maragua Mp Kamande Wambuku, Mathioya Mp Clement Wambugu and Kangema Mp Tirus Nyingi Ngahu.
Thursday, April 27
Muranga citizens have decided to give Kembi Gitura early retirement.
According to our analysis Kangata has won with a margin of over 15,000 having defeated Kembi at Kiharu, Kigumo, Kangema and Mathioya Constituencies.
KK online News has established that Kangata has enjoyed massive support that Dr Wanjiku has given to Governor Mwangi wa Iria.
Have a look.
Senate results are as follows:
Constituency. Kang'ata. Kembi
Kiharu. 39,818. 26,203
Gatanga. 15,771. 26,344
Kigumo. 25,950. 16,990
Kandara. 24,599. 27,516
Kangema. 14,759. 10,152
Maragwa. 18,517. 26,517
Mathioya. 18,769. 13,078
TOTAL. 158,183. 146,800
Muranga Team
Sabina Wanjiru 211, 639
Waithera Mutherania 99, 728
Irungu Kang'ata 158,167
Kembi Gitura 146,207
Mwangi wa Iria 205, 941
Jamleck Kamau 118, 274
UNBELIEVABLE: Only Four Of Thirty Five Mcas Nominated In Jubilee Primaries
Daktari Wanjiku of Muranga County has spoken.
Sound and Clear, despite accusations of graft and misappropriation of funds, Dr. Wanjiku has given Governor Mwangi wa Iria another chance.
On Women rep, Wanjiru Chege has emerged to be the people's choice!
In Senatorial seat, Kangata and Kembi are on head to head though our mole tells us that Kangata might carry the day.
The most fascinating thing is that Nearly all Muranga Mcas have been shown the door.
Save for Wangu Member of County Assembly Hon Isaac Kamote, Kahumbu Mca Hon Eric Kamande, Muruka Mca Hon Mukara and Gaturi Ward Mca Hon Rosemary Wakuthii.
All other 31 Mcas will have to familiarize themselves with some other engagements.
Among the big names that used to be heard in Muranga County Assembly is the Deputy Speaker Hon Moses Gachui Kihumbuini Ward Mca, Majority leader Hon Irungu Kihungi who dreamt of becoming Kangema Mp, Chief whip Hon David Kabaka Mca for Kambiti, Deputy Majority leader Hon Joseph Njoroge who is also Mbiri Mca.
Others are Jimmy Kagoni who had aspirations of Leading Gaturi but bowed down under the request of former Kigumo law maker Hon Jamleck Kamau.
Muranga County may for the first time have 4 Women Members of Parliament.
According to the polls that continues to be tallied Kandara Member of Parliament Hon Alice Wahome is leading with 50% While in Maragua constituency, the race is between former Maragua Mp Hon Elias Mbau and Nominated MCA Mary Waithira.
Ever since Independence, Murang'a has only produced one woman MP,Alice Wahome of Kandara.
Maragua incumbent Hon Kamande Wambuku is already in the exit after eating a humble pie and taking the Fourth position.
In Kigumo Ruth Wangari Mwaniki, Hon Jamleck Kamau's former spouse is taking the lead. According to the votes seen by KK Online News, She is leading with 51%
KK takes this time to recognize Kandara Mp since despite being a woman who have secured her second term, SHE IS THE ONLY MP WHO WILL BE REELECTED IN MURANGA COUNTY.
If our observations is something to go by The following Constituencies will be led by Women. Kandara, Kigumo, Maragua and of course Muranga County MP.
This therefore means that The number of Women who will be eligible for nominated after the General elections will be decimal.
KK online News has also reliably noted that the next Muranga County Assembly will be full of young, vibrant and energetic youth after several of them sailed through in the party primaries.
Ruth Wangari Mwaniki former spouse for Hon Jamlec Kamau and Maragua Mp Nominee Waithira Njoroge
Wednesday, April 26
Residents Urge Jamleck Kamau To Concede Honourably
Muranga have spoken, No. With the loudest voice
They have indeed registered their satisfactiom, love and joy as they candidly and decisively given Muranga Governor Hon Mwangi wa Iria another 5 years to serve them.
His outgoing slogan, No wira tu, notable projects like Agriculture, health and education has made this guy clinch back his seat.The final Provisional results are
Gvn Mwangi wa Iria -205, 976
Jamleck Kamau-119, 339
In simple maths The difference between the two is almost 100,00 which is 86637
This has clearly sent Hon Jamlec Kamau in a political comma for the next 5 years.
Following this knowledge, many people have called Kk online News requesting that Hon Jamlec to concede defeat honourably and camly many saying that there is no way he could be nominated in Muranga
KK online News is on a mission to establish why Kamau lost terribly to Wa Iria.
Muranga County Jubilee Party primaries count is still going on.
But with the way the things are it seems Wa Iria is slowly carrying the day giving his only opponent a ride for his own Money.
As at now Wa Iria is leading with 29,000 votes while His opponent Kigumo law maker Jamlec Kamau has only been able to convince 10,000.voters.
Interestingly Wa Iria is leading In Kamau's backyard while In Wa Iria's stronghold Kamau is ruthlessly trounced by Wa iria.
Have a look!
Provisional results
Kiharu: Mwangi Wa Iria 13 ,237 Jamu 2,060 ( 22 polling stations)
Kigumo: Mwangi Wa Iria 6,831 Jamu 3,801 (19polling stations)
Kandara: Wa iria 5,672 Jamu 2,532 (13 polling stations)
Mathioya: Wa iria 1,293 Jamu 1,048 (6 polling stations)
Kangema: Wa Iria 2,845 Jamu 1,215 (9 stations)
Total Wa iria 28,878
Jamu 10,715
Kahatia pry,,Wairia-1035,
Gitweku Wairi 582
Jamu 68
Boro (kigumo)Wairia 203,
Jamu 84
Kiangai (Kigumo)
Wairia 300 ,
Jamu 31
Muthigiriri (Kiharu)
Wairia 219
Jamu 142
Malewa (Kiharu)Wairia 248,
Jamu 277
Nduini (Kangema) Wairia 281,
Jamu 73
Wairuri wa iria276
,jamieck 182
Sabasaba Wairia 779
Jamu - 775
muruka wairia 679
Jammu 206
Mununga station
Wa iria 580
Jk 256
Gatuya Mwangi wa Iria 825
Jamu 43
Kiyu Wairia 498
jamu 31
Kiumu Wairia 1690
Jamu 88
Gitweku wairia 582
jamu 68
Kagongo(mathioya)Jamu 277
Wa Iria 189
Mos 10
Mathengeta pry wairia 200
jamlek 473
Wathiani: Wairia 426
Jk 303
Kiranga pry(in kandara)
Jamu - 205
Wa iria- 689
Kirunguru Pry. Jamleck 146
Wairia 429
Gakarara Pry Jamleck 261
Wairia 374
Factory Kanyenyaini
Wairia 241
Jamu 81
Jamleck 428
Wa Iria 267
Wangai Pri Wa Iria 861
Jamu 225
Gathera Wa Iria 468,
Mugaiini Wairia - 327,
Jamleck - 216,
Dr. Moses - 16.
Kiarutara Gatanga
Wa Iria - 477
Jammu - 199
Naaro Primary - Wairia - 364,
Jamleck - 182.
Wa Iria Takes The Early Lead In Muranga Jubilee Polls
Muranga Jubilee Party primaries are over.
KK online News has started getting the provisional results as they stream from the polling stations.
According to the outcomes Wa Iria takes the early lead though the completion between him and his arc rival Hon Jamlec Kamau is very tight. However Wa Iria has garnered 3577 against Hon Jamlec Kamau who has 1656
The following are the provisional results.
Ngutu Pry Jamlec 100,
Wairia 280
Kiganjo nursery Jamlec 71
wairia 271
Ruchu Jamlec 483
Mwangi 483 Jamleck 130
Wakibugi tea buying center Jamleck 221,
iria 157
Wa Iria 657
Jamlic 38
Kairetu polling centre.
WA iria-261
Watuha pri school.wairia-345,
Mukundi polling station
Jamuu 170
WA iria 123 votes
Kahuho pry in Jamlec 340
Kariua Jamu 375
Iria 168
Gakarati wairia 292
jamu 181
Kangure wairia 272
jamu 44
Gakoigo pri Wa Iria 446
Jamu 40
Kihuruini Pri Wa Iria 488
Jam 84
EXCLUSIVE: Tallying Starts At Kahatia Pry Polling Station
With only 30 Minutes remaining for Jubilee Party primaries in Muranga, Tallying has started at Kahatia pry school.
Credible information shows that Governor Mwangi Wa iria, has been nominated with 98%, Wanjiru Chege at 80% while Irungu Kangata has 55%
Karanja Mburu popularily known as Wamatangi Has carried the day closely followed by his arc rival Mr Ndindi Nyoro.
According to a Jubilee officer who sought anonymity since he is not authorised to address the media, the turn out was huge but not as compared to last time.
Take note that The outcome of the primaries do not reflect Muranga County or Kiharu constituency
We will be updating you as the tallying goes on.
Big Blow Again to Ndathi Kabogo
High court has dismissed a case filed by council of governors who had moved to court challenging the new election law.
Justice Chacha Mwita has said that the case lacks merits and that the council of governors has failed to prove that Section 28 of the elections Act No 24 of 2011 as amended by the provisions of the Elections Amendment Act 2017 of the constitution infringes their rights.
The governors had argued in their petition that the said the law contains a problematic unconstitutional section that bars party hopping as far as 120 days to the polls.
Voters at Mjini Primary school has stopped voting after Women rep ballot papers have been exhausted.
Voters fear that it could be a plot to rig the jubilee party primaries.
Abdullah Ali an agent at the polling center says the party had initially promised to add more ballot papers using chopper though that has not come into being.
"We find no reason to vote for Mca, Mp, Governor and Senator while leaving the women rep vacant,' a voter has told KK online News.
Ali has also disclosed that the remaining ballot papers for Gubernatorial post are less than 100, believing that if the exercise continue the outcomes will not reflect the true wishes of Mjini people.
Jubilee Party primaries is taking on well in several areas of Muranga County.
However a lady has been arrested at Kandara with fake ballot papers and is being interrogated at Kandara police station.
At Mukuyu social hall, KK online News has established that Gubernatorial ballot papers are less compared to those of Women rep, Members of parliament, Senatorial and Members of County Assembly.
According to reliable source, the ballot papers were supposed to be 187 but Kk online News has confirmed that At Mukuyu social hall Gubernatorial ballot papers are 30.
Governor Mwangi wa Iria who visited the polling station, believes that this is a ploy to rig elections given that Mukuyu is his stronghold.
'Mukuyu is one of the many areas where I enjoy massive support, I think someone has colluded with some rogue officers who want to rig me out. Let the Jubilee Party be warned, I don't care what means they will use to bring the gubernatorial ballot papers here But they must bring them now", Wa Iria said.
Tuesday, April 25
BREAKING NEWS: Jubilee Fires 30 Muranga POs and Clerks As Nominations Starts Several Stations
Jubilee Party has fired over Thirty Polling Officers and Clerks in Muranga County.
Speaking to KK online News, the Party's Secretary General in Muranga Mr. Joel Irungu Mwaniki said it was after the party got credible evidence to link their employees with direct touch with Aspirants.
"We have received several complaints from different Aspirants and we have every reason to believe that, both our employees and Aspirants had abnormal relationship and that's how we concluded that the best thing is to fire them, "
Mwaniki also noted that some of the Aspirants were relatives, wives, Children and or concubines of the Aspirants.
"This goes along with our efforts in making sure that the exercise is free, fair and transparent," Mwaniki said.
However Kk online News has established that some of the Polling Officers hired by the Jubilee are diehards of either Governor Mwangi wa Iria and those of his arc rival Hon Jamlec Kamau.
As at now The exercise has started in most parts of the County.
In Kabati, KK online News has learnt that those whose names are not in the ballot are allowed to vote as long as they have with themselves The Original Id Card and the voting card. Their names are then written in an exercise book.
LEAKED: You May Now Vote As Many Times As Possible In Tomorrow's Party Primaries
As Jubilee Party primaries continue and are expected to be conducted tomorrow for Muranga, Laikipia, Nyeri, Nairobi among other Counties, Kk online News has established that the polls will be marred by anxiety, confusion and thus it may turn out to be the most unfair, partial and the most fake nominations ever held.
Among the reasons why the nominations will be unfair is because of the Party's decision that for Voters to participate in the polls, they are only required to have an original identity card.
The ugly side of the decision is that many of the voters will vote more than one time since one can easily rub the mark that is supposed to show that one has already voted.
More so most politicians Now have the leeway to transport voters. For example one can now transport Kirinyaga voters to come and vote in Muranga County to redeem their support and get more votes.
On the other hand, there is a likelihood that there shall be cases of staffing.
This is because, the party decided to photocopy the ballot papers that were initially used during the flopped nominations and reuse them.
KK online News has credible information that most of the aspirants were able to 'steal' the ballot papers and could photocopy them in tomorrow's exercise at Muranga. (By the end of the day Jubilee clerks will not have enough time to verify the dates)
It's also evident that Most politicians have 'Bought' Jubilee polling clerks who will help them rig out their opponents.
KK has noted that the newest voting trick to eliminate favorite candidate on Wednesday Nominations, will be the failure by evil clerks to stamp ballot paper at the back once they realize that they are voters of the potential candidate.
Politicians should be very keen and ask their supporters to ensure that ballot papers are stamped before filling in and vote. Any unstamped ballot paper will be counted as a spoilt vote.
Monday, April 24
NOTICE: Jubilee Has Been Extorting Money From Kenyans, Muranga Aspirant
Major defections from Jubilee Party is looming.
This is after most of the Aspirants have registered their displeasure on how the party is conducting it's affairs without consulting them.
Among the first people who expressed anger, frustration and anxiety is Muranga Women Representative Aspirant Mama Sacco who complained that her name Mama Sacco which was supposed to be in the ballot paper was conspicuously missing." Its unfair, I have invested heavily in this party only to let me down", She angrily told Journalists at Muranga social hall.
On his part Kiharu member of Parliament Aspirant Mr. George Kamau cited major irregularities during the flopped Jubilee nominations which he say "Ended up as a great Sham"
Among the irregularities that Kamau has noted are~
Partisan administrators of the exercise.
Blatant influence and vote buying within the polling stations.
Kamau whose anger and frustration was registered on his face told KK online News that "Voters whom had mobilized and sensitized to participate in the exercise were as a consequence disenfranchised and were quite disillusioned."
Following Kamau's dissatisfaction, he now wants Jubilee Party to refund his money forthwith swearing that he shall be petitioning the party to refund all his money which he had given to the party. "This party have been extorting money from innocent Politicians and I will make sure they refund that money to me, We do not possibly see how a repeat exercise of the party nominations will address the very serious flaws identified and now embedded in their minds " Kamau told KK online News.
Kamau has also announced That he has now defected from the Jubilee party which he believe will not conduct free and fair primaries come Wednesday this week.
He has asked Muranga voters to choose their candidate wisely based on character and not Political party basis. "I assure my supporters that my name shall be in the register come 8/8/2017" George paused.
He promised to announce his new political outfit soon.
BREAKING NEWS: Jubilee Postpones Muranga Primaries To Wednesday As The Deadline Is Extended
Deadline for political parties to submit their candidates to IEBC has been extended to May 1st this year.
This was after a Non Governmental Organisations by the name Angaza Empowerment Network rushed to Malindi Court pleading with Court to extend the deadline.
The ruling gives Jubilee Party a headache because going by what Kk online News has unearthed, The party is not ready to handle any complaint from its Aspirants and that's why anyone who shall get the party certificate by hook or crook shall automatically be the party's candidate.
There are fears that The President's party is not ready to conduct the polls over pressure and complaints from the Aspirants.
And that's the main reason why the Jubilee Party has postponed the polls from tomorrow to Wednesday.
Physical Fight: Drama Unfolds As Supporters Fight At Muranga Police Station
Supporters of Kiharu Aspirants Samson Ndindi Nyoro and Karanja Mburu alias Wamatangi exuded their might in the eyes of the police officers after exchanging kicks and blows at Muranga police station. The two were arrested after a fight broke over a rival supporter took photos of the drama.
Karanja Supporters had alleged fears that Nyoro was planning to rig tomorrow's nominations after 50 marked ballot papers in favour of Nyoro were found.
Upon realizing this, Wamatangi's followers started showing Muranga town residents the marked papers 'Alleging the plot'.
In a record of 5 minutes,Nyoro supporters got a wind of it and came to verify the papers and it was them that a shouting order ensued at the scene outside One In One hotel in attempts to defend their boss.
That's where the police officers and an official for Jubilee Party came in.
At the police station, the two rival supporters started engaging in a heated argument after a Nyoro supporter took a photo of a Wamatangi supporter.
That's when they started engaging in fist fight!.In a Police station.
KK online News has learnt that this could just be a drill of what is expected to happen tomorrow since the politicians are aware that there will be no time to take their complaints to a Tribunal since the deadline for submitting the names of the Jubilee Party nominees to IEBC is 26 a day after tomorrow's exercise.
Sunday, April 23
Pope Francis appoints Rt Rev Antony Muheria of diocese of Kitui as the New ArchBishop of Catholic Archdiocese of Nyeri, following the notice of retirement by Archbishop Peter Kairu early last year to the pontifex.
Muheria is the brother to Central Bank of Kenya Governor Dr.Njoroge, a close friend of retired president kibaki and once served in the JSC before resigning citing pastoral duties. He is a a UoN civil Engineer graduate of the year 1988.He was in the same class with Engineer Kamau the former Roads minister.
Muheria topped in that engineering class.As Nyeri archbishop, he will be incharge of Nyeri, Nyahururu, Marsabit, Isiolo and Meru dioceses. He went to study for priesthood in Rome from 1989 and graduated with a masters in sacramental divinity. He has been a bishop since the year 2003.He is a humble servant of God but very intelligent. He takes the title"His Grace"from the previous"his Lordship"
EXPOSED: Whatsup Group Users Plan Violence During Nominations
Only a day before Muranga County conducts it's Jubilee Party primaries, shocking details on how The social media users are planning to use violence to scare away voters has emerged.
In a Whatssup group named JAMU SOCIAL MEDIA TEAM, a conversation is seen members advising their boss on how to instil fear to the strongholds perceived to be that of his opponent,Governor Mwangi wa Iria.
According to the conversation, Their boss is to use goons to prevent Iria agents accessing Kigumo while the boss is expected to camp at Kiharu.
The conversation is exposed few minutes after a group of 40 armed youth stormed Governor Mwangi wa iria's printing press located at Edgewood in Gatanga.
At the same breath Governor Mwangi wa Iria has expressed fears that there are rigging plans that has been executed at Thika Greens where people who are his potential voters are to be asked to get into polling centers and come out with the ballot paper and in return they will be given Sh 1000.
Wa Iria has urged the Jubilee Party to remain vigilant since the plan May depict the party in a bad picture.
Saturday, April 22
Armed youth with crude weapons and guns transported in three matatus today at 1am raided Governor Mwangi wa Iria's command center with aim of destroying " printing press"
They claimed the govornor was printing fake ballot papers and threatened to harm anyone who could be an obstacle to their 'operation".
"We will not let Governor Mwangi wa iria rig the forthcoming Jubilee Party nominations when we are alive ," the irate youth were heard shouting.
Luckily Police on patrol heard the chaos and were able to contain them.
"We will leave but we will be coming back!, " said one of the Commanders.
According to an officer in charge of the command center which hosts governor Wa Irias campaign activities, Jane Mbuthia, the youth who were around 40 had clear instructions to destroy everything at the site .
"Its a shame that people can get this petty and low to a point of engaging in fictitious raids. This guy just needs to do his homework well before engaging his goons .No amount of intimidation or accusations will add him even a single vote. He knows he has lost it and he is looking for every excuse. If he meant well he would have reported to the police and they have their systems of establishing such allegations. Why send goons at the middle of the night. We only have one day to go and he will be shown by the people of Murang'a who they want."
She says a vehicle KBS 361 C believed to belong to PA for Hon Jamlec Kamau was located at the scene.
She told KK online that the governor does not need to print any ballot. Whatever mode of election the party will use even if its mlolongo he will still win in broad day light. People must stop punicking and sending negative signals to try and create conversations that are baseless. He has been shouting wolf for a week now.
Jane said she had credible information that the youth were transported from Muthithi area of Kigumo constituency.
The ugly incidence comes barely a week after Kigumo lawmaker accused Governor Mwangi wa Iria of establishing a printing press with an aim of "Printing fake ballot papers with the name of Jamlec Kamau so that he is disqualified by the Party"
Kamau had raised fears that Wa Iria was also printing T-shirts which were to be worn by youth during the nominations day.
Kamau had written to Inspector General of police, Director of Criminal Investigations, Jubilee Party headquarters and Muranga County Commissioner asking them to investigate the hotel.
None of Kamau allegations came into being during the flopped nominations that took place on Friday on 21st.
Friday, April 21
BREAKING NEWS: muranga, Kiambu, Nyeri, Laikipia and Nyandarua Jubilee polls Cancelled
After several complaints from aspirants, Jubilee Party has cancelled all the party primaries that were held today.
KK online News has learnt that Jubilee was adamant on cancelling the polls but several politicians have called to the party asking it to cancel the primaries which was marred by violence, confusion and anxiety.
BREAKING NEWS: Jubilee suspends Party primaries for 11 Counties
After a day full of confusion, anger, anxiety and chaos from different parts of the Country, the Jubilee Party has succumbed to pressure to postpone the nominations.
In some Counties, like Kirinyaga gunshots was the order of the day. While in most polling centers in Muranga, Residents boycotted the exercise accusing an Aspirant for hiding the ballot papers.
Earlier on The interim SG Raphael Tuju was defiant maintaining that Jubilee Party could not postpone or cancel the exercise bragging that the party had 8 Aeroplanes to distribute back up election materials.
Elsewhere Kk online News has learnt that elections materials have reached at Gatunguru polling, Gatanga,Center at exactly 1658hrs.
Some Aspirants were forced to nominate their rivals since their names were not in the register. Such Aspirants are Kiharu Member of parliament Aspirant Macharia Githirwa and Irene Muthaburi who is eyeing a women rep seat.
The following are the Counties that the exercise has been postponed, Narok, Embu, Nakuru, Kajiado, Bomet, Baringo Transzoia, Kiambu and three others.
The Nominations have been postponed after Jubilee supporters stormed the Jubilee Party headquarters
Tallying Starts At Gaturi As 350 Voters Urged To Leave
Even after Interim Jubilee Party Secretary General brags that The Party is set to deploy back up election materials by , details have emerged that in Gaturi Ward tallying has started.
This is after the only 100 ballot papers were over, where 350 voters were asked to leave the polling center at 2:15 pm
According to an officer who is not allowed to address media, Gaturi residents expressed fear that Jubilee Party will not be represented by peoples' favourites.
Elsewhere Residents of Mukangu and Gatheeru abstained from participating in the polls citing a plot by a Muranga politician of hiding ballot papers so that he may rig using the hidden ballot papers.
KK online News has established that the Party is hellbent in continuing with the process maintaining that they will count the casted votes.
Kiharu Mp Aspirant, Women Rep Aspirant Not In The Register
As nominations kicked off in some Polling stations in Muranga County while other places like Kigumo, Gatanga and Some Parts of Kandara the exercise is yet to start, it's now evident that the Jubilee Party was not prepared at all to conduct these polls.
In Kiharu constituency a Parliamentary Aspirant Macharia Githirwa could not get his name in the register together with his wife.
Githirwa who expressed fury on the manner in which the exercise is being conducted, has demanded that the exercise be stopped until his name is in the ballot paper.
"My name and that of my wife is not in the register. It's worrying since my daughter who registered recently is in the register", Macharia told KK online News.
A women Rep Aspirant Irene Wangari Muthaburi was not in the register.
"The party should postpone these elections until it is ready for them," Githirwa told KK online.
So far Kigumo residents have refused to participate in the polls since the ballot papers are less than the voters.
In Matandara Polling station voters have unanimously agreed not to participate in the polls until the party brings sufficient ballot papers.
In Kangema the polls have not Started due to lack of Jubilee's stamp.
Nomination At Kigumo Constituency Stopped
Despite presenting itself as the most organised, orderly party it is emerging that its the most disorganized political party.
This is after reports emerge that the Nomination exercise has stopped at Kigumo constituency, after ballot papers were less than the voters
Kigumo Constituency has 5 Wards namely Kangari, Kinyona, Kigumo, Kahumbu and Muthithi.
Kigumo residents have told KK online News that the Jubilee has turned out to be a total mess.
Ikundu, Maragua Ballot Boxes Stolen
Voters at Ikundu polling Center are a confused lot after ballot boxes vanished mysteriously.
Lucy also known as Mama Brian told KK online News that she received the sad news after visiting the polling station.
According to Irungu Mwaniki the Party's SG at Muranga, Presiding officer had gone to look for the car but could not trace the ballot boxes. " They have been stolen but I have informed the Returning Officer and the Coordinator to see the way forward," Mwaniki told KK online News.
Many voters have expressed fear that Jubilee has turned out to be the most disorganized party despite their assurance on preparedness on the polls.
"I believe the party was not prepared at all!" a voter at Technology pry school who did not get her name in the register said.
KK online News has established that even older people who have been voting are not in the register. In Kangema 50 people have been asked to go he since their names cannot be traced in the register.
Thursday, April 20
Voting kicks off as New Voters are not in the Register
As Jubilee struggles to make sure that it has lived to its promise, Conducting it's free and fair nominations today.
Another hitch that is likely to cause unwarranted tension is the fact that Details of the newly registered voters are Missing!
Lydia Wambui a voter at Kiambamba primary school expressed her Dissatisfaction arguing that she woke up as early as 5 only to be told that her name is not in the register.
KK online News has established that Jubilee Party is using 2012 IEBC register.
The move is likely to cause heated argument on the outcomes.
When asked why and what went wrong Jubilee official said that "We are working on that"
Ray of Hope: Polling Starts at Makuyu Polling Center
After 3 hours of waiting , Voters at Makuyu polling Center have started doing what they have been waiting for a long time, Nominating their favourite leader.
According to Irungu Mwaniki, the Muranga Secretary General of Jubilee Party the exercise started at 8:05.
However Mwaniki told KK online News that the drivers who were supposed to transpot the elections materials to Gatanga, Kigumo, Kandara, and some other Subcounties demand that they transport those material at Cash fearing a replica of what happened in 2013 during TNA primaries.
"We are doing all what we can to conduct the primaries as planned Mwaniki paused.
It is not clear whether the party will extend the time since no exercise is being carried out in Muranga County apart from Makuyu.
SHOCKING:"I Don't Know What's Happening In Jubilee Party,".Leah Ntimama
It is now evident that Jubilee Party May take long before conducting it's primaries which were slated to start at 6 in the morning. There is also a likelihood that it may postpone it's primaries.
This is after Leah Ntimama confirmed that She is also not aware of the happenings in the party. "I'm not incharge of Muranga im in Bomet but still primaries has not kicked off, I don't know what's happening " Leah told KK online News.
However Kk Online News has established that Polling clerks want to be sorted out before dispatching to polling stations.
This has created unwanted tension some quarters believing it's a plot to rig.
"Imagine they are telling us to get a taxi which they will give a sh 1000 to go all the way to Mioro, This can't won't happen", a polling clerk told KK online News.
LEAKED: Why Jubilee Party Primaries Yet to Take Over
Jubilee Party primaries which was expected to start by 6:30 has delayed to un known time.
KK online News has established that it is the party that has failed to make it happen.
Speaking to KK online News on Phone Muranga County Commander Madam Naomi Ichami said the police force is ready but the party seems not prepared. " The ballot papers are in the Constituency Level, the report I'm getting is that they have not been released to the polling stations," Naomi said.
She says that she is not sure on what time the exercise will start stating that that depends on the party.
As early as 6 in the morning Voters were thronging at polling centers, Vidhu Ramji, Mukuyu social hall, Kiambamba primary, Maranjau primary, St Marys, Kianjiruini among others.
Anxiety is high many people thinking that this could be a rigging ploy.
However Jubilee Secretary General, Muranga branch says it was a Transport hitch and they are working on the same.
Presiding officers and police officers in Kiharu const are still camping at technology pry school. They are demanding for transport fee.
In Kiharu there are 106 polling stations
Those who talked to KK online News argue that they don't trust political parties arguing that they do not remember to settle debts after the exercise.
They fear a replica of a scenario in 2013 where drivers, Polling clerks and police officers were not paid a move that prompted them to stage demos that polarized the business in Muranga town for one week.
KK online News will be updating you today on what will be happening in all polling centres. Vote wisely.
Nominations Headache: Local Poll Predicts Tomorrow's Winners
A few hours before the Jubilee party's nominations start, a survey done through Facebook by a renowned Journalist based in Muranga County has given a hint on who may lead in the Women Rep seat, Gubernatorial seat and Senatorial seat.
According to a Poll by Victor Kinuthia, Inooro fm reporter who enjoys a massive following on facebook, Governor Mwangi wa Iria will emerge the winner with a landslide, scooping 70% of the total votes cast while His Arc rival will follow at a distance by 25%.
Although Dr Moses Mwangi has succumbed to pressure and has defected from the Jubilee Party, the Poll shows that he shall garner 5% of the total votes.
This means that the 5% will not make a big difference even if they were to vote for Jamlec Kamau.
In the senatorial seat, Kembi will retain his seat by 59% followed by Kiharu lawmaker Irungu Kangata who will garner 37%, Peter Njangi will get 3% while Joseph Mbai will be the last with 1%.
The poll also indicates that Sabina Chege remains the people's choice by 63% followed by Catherine Wanjiku also known as Mama Sacco with 20% while Inooro's Waithira Muithirania will be the last with 16%.
If the above poll reflects what will happen tomorrow and the outcome of the nominations, this then means that the 2013 trio will be reelected ie Governor Mwangi wa Iria, Senator Kembi Gitura and Sabina Chege.
What You Did Not Know About Agnes Kamau and Jane Wa Iria
Meet Murang'a First Lady madam Jane Mwangi.
Without much a do allow me to paint a vivid image in your mind of her legacy having been well known far and wide for her genorosity and philanthropic deeds towards humanity.
Madame Jane is known to respect other peoples space and rarely does she engage herself in county politics involving Governor Mwangi wa Iria though she spreads No Wira tu Mantra in all her meetings.
Although publicity and camera glare aint her thing, her actions speaks for themselves with many matching her to our national First Lady Mrs Margret Kenyatta.
Coincidentally she has represented the first lady madame Margret Kenyatta's office in some junctures winning hearts of many to extents of being awarded with a honouraly recognition for her exemplary efforts in Beyond zero Campaign.
On the other hand, meet madam Agnes Irungu beemed "Kigumo constituency first Lady".
Presenting herself as a prayerful mother full of mercy.
Madam Agnes has been reported to bravely campaigns for her spouse Hon Jamlec Kamau in political ganning votes in public forum and heated social media platforms.
She is also said to have a big heart for the less fortunate having been sponsored scores of needy children and families
Both were great friends when their husbands were buddies. They even started Muranga Women Sacco, a brainchild of Governor Mwangi wa Iria, together.
Who is the best to hold County's first Lady's office? Your guess is as well as mine.
SAD: Children Of A Muranga Based Journalist Survives Death By A Whisker After Mysterious Inferno
3 Chidren of a Murang'a based journalist George Kimani (Kameme Fm) escaped death narrowly after a mysterious fire gutted down his home in Mumbi estate today afternoon. He has lost property worth hundreds of thousands in the inferno as very little was salvaged.
The mysterious inferno happens 2 days after a Muranga Politician threatened him telling him that "Wewe nakujua na Hutaenda Mbali"
The politician went bizarre after George Kimani after asked him a question regarding the Jubilee Party affairs.
Police have since started investigations.
Dr Moses Mwangi a gubernatorial Aspirant in Muranga County has defected from Jubilee Party to un announced political outfit.
He says that he has taken the bold step because of information he has that there will be massive rigging tomorrow. " I have also done that because of intense pressure from my supporters who have reprimanded me to vie for the governorship post using a different political vehicle." Moses had told KK online News.
He says that his opponents gave triggered his defection saying that in the recent past Muranga County has witnessed chaos because of the two leaders ie Governor Mwangi wa iria and Hon Jamlec Kamau.
Addressing his supporters at Wangu Investments headquarters, Moses has also castigated one of his competitor who he accuses of telling lies that Moses had dropped his candidature and supporting his.
Moses however maintained that he supports the reelection of Uhuru Kenyatta.
Muranga Gubernatorial Aspirant Dr. Moses Mwangi Ndungu has termed Jamlec's allegations on printing of fake ballot papers as outrageous, asking him to report the matter to the police and Party headquarters.
Speaking after the brief by the Party on its preparedness on tomorrow's nominations, Mwangi said It was only fair for Kamau to report his allegations to the relevant authorities other than doing so in the media.
"You See the guy could be sensing defeat. Maybe he wants to tell people that he was rigged out when he is defeated in the party primaries are over and he is defeated and then say that it was not fair," Mwangi told Journalists.
Asked by Journalists whether he had sent a complaint letter to the police and to the Jubilee Party, Kamau said he had but did not produce the documents.
However yesterday at 5 in the evening Kk online News learnt that Hon Jamlec Kamau had written to Inspector General of police, to the Jubilee Party Coordinator in Muranga County and to the Jubilee Party over his 'allegations'.
Interestingly, the letter dated 19th of April,Yesterday, which is Five days after he started complaining.
On his part Muranga Governor Mwangi wa iria echoed Moses' opinion that Kamau had sensed Defeat and he was just seeking a soft landing. "Everybody knows who is the master of rigging in Muranga County but I thank the party since all loopholes used for rigging have been closed and Wanjiku will have the last word', Wa Iria said.
This comes at a time when a reputable research Company Infotrak rated Wa Iria as the most popular Candidate in Muranga with 58% followed distantly by Jamlec Kamau at 20%. Jamlec has however trashed the results and has expressed confidence that he will win.
EXCLUSIVE: Kenyan Company Discovers Formula To Save Lake Victoria
The World largest fresh water lake, LAKE VICTORIA is completely affected by water hyacinth,papyrus,hippo grass,other aquatic plants and surprisingly alfalfa grass has found its way to the water body affecting thousands of people who depend on the lake for a living.
The weeds has contributed to Prostitution in the area and hence high cases of HIV and Aids.
However all is not lost. HYAQUIP, a Kenyan based company has come up with excellent measures to restore the lake, saving lives and sources of income to fishermen, and those who depend on the lake to earn a living.
The Company that is headed by Simon Mwaura is seeking KSH 9.876Billion, equivalent to US$98.76Million from National Government, County Governments, NGO's ,charitable organizations, UN agencies, Agricultural supporting development agencies in sustainable development,institutions, individuals to finance the pilot program by the processing of liquid and granular/ powder organic fertilizers and offered to the farmers across the COUNTRY at a minimum cost.
If the Government could assist the Company, Mwaura says Hyacinth, papyrus and alfalfa will be a thing of the past.
Mwaura told KK online News that due the such weeds Kenyan Government has been loosing close to 10 billion per year.
The support and your contribution will greatly improve the living standards of the affected communities. The contribution can be made through PAY BILL, WIRE TRANSFER OR CHECK. SIMON NJOROGE MWAURA. Email: SIMON.NJOROGE.MWAURA,@HYAQUIPINC.COM
Wednesday, April 19
POLL SURVEY: Kiharu Constituency, 9 Donkeys 1 Mule and 1 Horse
The exit of Hon Irungu Kangata from Kiharu Constituency has attracted 11 Aspirants who are keen to succeed Kangata.
Among them is Kiama Muturi, son to the former Kiharu mp Bc Muturi, Macharia Githirwa, former CEC member for Environment, former CEC member for Finance George Kamau.
Others are Francis Ritho, Peter Kamanja, Mugoiri Mca Samson Kago, Peter Munyi, Elijah Churu, Simon Mukunu, Kamotho Njenga.
However, two aspirants, Karanja Mburu famously known as Wamatangi and Ndindi Nyoro, a former Cdf chair at Kiharu constituency have managed to distinguish themselves as the most popular to residents.
KK online News conducted a Poll survey in Kiharu to find out who is most likely to get the jubilee ticket in the nominations.
Our team visited Mbiri, Mugoiri, Kahatia, Inoi, Murarandia, Githambo, Kagaa, Gaturi and Kiharu estate areas.
Interestingly, despite Kamotho Njenga having come from Kagaa and Kaganda areas, he enjoys little support from the area, with Wamatangi and Nyoro still taking the lead.
In Murarandia and Kahatia, most voters say they will vote for Karanja Wamatangi.
Kahuro residents will however vote as a block in support of Mukunu.
Karanja Wamatangi is enjoying the full support of Mbiri Ward since most of the residents believe this is their time to have an MP hailing from their area.
This is despite the fact that Churu comes from Kambirwa and Ritho has a farm in the area.
Karanja Wamatangi also dorminates Gaturi where Ndindi Nyoro comes from. This means that half of the voters will vote for Nyoro while the other half will support Wamatangi.
In a nut shell KK online News can authoritatively report that the Kiharu race is a race of 9 Donkeys, 1 mule and 1 horse.
Ndindi Nyoro is famous for both wrong and right reasons. His name is simple and goes well with his slogan Kunyorokia Kiharu. He is also known since he worked as Cdf chairman in Kangata's administration.
There are also serious allegations associated with Nyoro. The propaganda that he is a gay has really worked against him more so to Christians and people who value traditions. "He really Needs to come out and tell us why he is not married at the age of 36",a man from Gakuyu in Gaturi said.
He has also been accused of hiring a woman to act as his wife. Many believe that if he was genuine he did not have to hire women but should have concentrated on selling his manifesto without trying to justify his singlehood.
And that's why Kk online News term Ndindi Nyoro as a mule and Wamatangi as The Horse.
Photos of Karanja Mburu and Ndindi Nyoro respectively
Tuesday, April 18
EXCLUSIVE: Meet a Disabled Man Who Has Extraordinary Plans For Kiharu Constituency
Elijah Churu Manyeki is from Kambirwa area.
He is vying for the Kiharu MP seat and is the only person with disability vying for the MP seat in the county.
Churu says he will use his connections in the developed countries to source for experts who will transform farmers on improved and modern farming technics.
He says the constituency has rich soil and is only disadvantaged by lack of wated and traditional farming methods that give farmers minimal yields.
"I will empower farmers to get more harvests by bringing in experts to train them how to maximise the farming resources that they have and enlighten on new and available farming technology," churu said.
Talking to KK online News Churu said with the right training and empowerment, Kiharu will be transformed from a semi-arid area into a food basket that will even support other constituencies in the county while empowering the lives of residents.
"I urge voters to come out in large numbers and vote for me since Disability is not Inability. Infact I believe we are able Differently", Churu said.
Interestingly amongst all the people living with Disabilities, it is only Churu who has come out to vie for a hotly contested seat in Kiharu, a seat that has attracted 11 aspirants who are out to succeed Hon Irungu Kangata who will be battling it out with Kembi Gitura, Peter Njangi and Mr. Mbui for the Senatorial seat.
Monday, April 17
WARNING: Jamleck Kamau Warned Of Propagating Outrageous Lies On Security
Muranga County Police Commander Madam Naomi Ichami has castigated Kigumo law maker Hon. Jamleck Kamau over his remarks that there was a secret meeting between Muranga Governor Mwangi wa Iria and the County Security Commitee without the knowledge of Mr. John Elungata.
Kamau had raised eyebrows over the meeting saying that he failed to understand why a meeting would be held at night at the back of the County Commissioner.
He also urged the security agents to deploy enough security officers during the forthcoming nominations.
On her part Madam Ichami has asked Hon Jamleck not to lie to Kenyans. "Who told Mheshimiwa Jamlec that Mr. Elungata was not aware of the meeting," She has confirmed that indeed there was meeting between The County Security committee and the Governor and Dr Moses Mwangi; and the agenda of the Meeting was Security before, during and after the Nominations.
"Kamau was also called by the secretary of the Security committee but his phone went un answered," Ichami said.
Talking to KK online News on phone, Ichami Clarified that Elung'ata was aware of the meeting and that he had sent apologies despite Kamau's assertion that the meeting was conducted secretly. "The meeting was held in a broad daylight and all members of the Security Committee were there(the majority) except The chair". She trashed claims that they are working at the back of the Commissioner insisting that they are working in harmony.
Kamau, who seemed to talk on behalf of Muranga County Commissioner, is said to enjoy mutual friendship with Mr. Elung'ata, many people believing that Elungata has a soft spot for him and his gubernatorial quest.
A Case study is when Jamleck was launching his manifesto at Mumbi grounds late last year.
Elung'ata refused to accept the Court order barring the MP to launch his manifesto until the case was heard and determined. It is even alleged that he ordered police officers to deny the Court Server access to his office.
Elung'ata however denied the claims citing that he shall forever remain Impartial while undertaking his duties.
Below is a photo of Muranga Police Commander who is also Commissioner of Police Madam Naomi Ichami
Friday, April 14
COMMENTARY: What The Candidacy Of Ruth Mwaniki, Elias Mbau And Governor Mwangi wa Iria Means To Hon Jamlec Kamau
The above mentioned People want to be leaders in Muranga County.
Governor Mwangi Wa Iria is seeking his reelection through Jubilee Party which is the single most political vehicle in Muranga County. He is battling it out with Hon Jamlec Kamau who has represented Kigumo for 10 years. A Gubernatorial looser of 2013 Elections Dr. Moses Mwangi Ndungu is also in the race.
As the date for the Nominations inches closer it's almost certain that the Gubernatorial post will be between Wa Iria and Kamau.
Ruth Wangari Mwaniki, a former CEO for Exports Promotion Council and KPCU is among the Aspirants who want to succeed Hon Jamlec Kamau in Kigumo constituency. As the d day for nomination draws near Mwaniki has greater chances of becoming the next Kigumo Mp.
Elias Mbau, a former Mp and chair for CDF Board, Mbau served for 10 years having been elected in 2002 but lost to Wambuku in 2010.
Governor Mwangi wa Iria and Hon Jamlec Kamau were great friends. They used to dine, reason and decide together. It is rumoured that they parted ways after the Kigumo legislator summoned Wa Iria at a hotel in Nairobi together with a handful Mcas led by Muranga County Assembly Majority Leader Peter Irungu Kihungi with an aim of brokering a truce after a fallout between him and the Mcas. The "Reconciliation" meeting was conducted after the Executive led by Wa Iria proposed the appointment of Mr. Ngera something that did not auger well with the Assembly. It is alleged that Governor left the meeting un ceremoniously asking Kamau not to Lord and micro manage him on Governance. It was from that point that Kamau and WA Iria do not see each other.
Ruth Wangari Mwaniki, who is said to be Kamau's former spouse before their marriage hit the rocks is out to Succeed Kamau. KK online News has learnt that Ruth supports the reelection bid for Governor Mwangi wa Iria something that could be making Kamau to have sleepless nights. About a month ago, a facebook post allegedly written by Ruth Mwaniki, asked her supporters not to vote Jamlec saying that 'He has done mess to Kigumo Constituency" Our efforts to get Miss Mwaniki to clarify whether it was her Account bore no fruits as her calls went in answered.
Elias Mbau a former Maragua constituency Mp was an influential chair of Budget Committee in National Assembly. He was elected in 2002 while Kamau got his luck in 2007.
There are perceptions that it Was Hon Jamlec who sponsored Wambuku's campaigns in 2010, so as to Dehorn Mbau's influence and popularity in and outside Government. Those who understands Politics say it was the Supremacy battles that made Kamau support Wambuku financially and morally. "Wambuku had nothing he was a dealer in mobilephones at Mombasa, he did not want to vie but was persuaded to by Kamau," one of Maragua residents told KK online.
If the above analysis is something to go by, Hon Jamlec Kamau must win the Gubernatorial seat and failure to do so might render him political oblivion and hence his political deathbed.
Should Jamlec Kamau lose his gubernatorial quest and fail to get the Jubilee Party ticket, chances of him defecting to a smaller and friendlier political party are nill since there is a perception out there that he knows who is who in the Government and therefore he would not want to be seen as he is going against the wishes of the President, the Party's leader.
The three faces that means alot to Jamlec Kamau
Thursday, April 13
KK Online reveals the pain of the messagers who are also known as correspondents working for government owned station Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). The correspondents who are about 50 in number have endured for five months without a single penny.
Several of the Correspondents who found a shoulder to lean on has told KK online News that they have been filling claim forms every month but even after doing so, nothing in terms of payments seems to come their way. We have learnt that the budget for the said correspondents is about 800,000 every month. Unfortunately, it is said that bosses in the financial department have been using that money to enrich themselves whereby they choose to invest on personal assets at the expense of the poor correspondents who do the donkey work for KBC because the state corporation relies on 80% news from regional correspondents. "We have become a laughingstock in the Community because of our bosses have reduced us to beggars", a correspondent said.
According to our investigations one of the senior officers in the finance department has acquired an expansive plot that is under construction in Nairobi. " This is the main guy responsible for paying us, I hope they are not using our hard earned sweat to enrich themselves," another correspondent said disclosing that sometimes ago he was forced to exchange his Wardrobe Cardboard to get Ksh 5000 for food.
Some of the correspondents are said to have been thrown out of their houses together with their families as others has to become boot-lickers to politicians so as to get 'economy' as they usualy call it, for their upkeep.
They are now calling the Government to intervene for them to get their dues for 5 months.
KK Online reveals the pain of the messagers who are also known as correspondents working for government owned station Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC). The correspondents who are about 50 in number have endured for five months without a single penny.
Several of the Correspondents who found a shoulder to lean on has told KK online News that they have been filling claim forms every month but even after doing so, nothing in terms of payments seems to come their way. We have learnt that the budget for the said correspondents is about 800,000 every month. Unfortunately, it is said that bosses in the financial department have been using that money to enrich themselves whereby they choose to invest on personal assets at the expense of the poor correspondents who do the donkey work for KBC because the state corporation relies on 80% news from regional correspondents. "We have become a laughingstock in the Community because of our bosses have reduced us to beggars", a correspondent said.
According to our investigations one of the senior officers in the finance department has acquired an expansive plot that is under construction in Nairobi. " This is the main guy responsible for paying us, I hope they are not using our hard earned sweat to enrich themselves," another correspondent said disclosing that sometimes ago he was forced to exchange his Wardrobe Cardboard to get Ksh 5000 for food.
Some of the correspondents are said to have been thrown out of their houses together with their families as others has to become boot-lickers to politicians so as to get 'economy' as they usualy call it, for their upkeep.
They are now calling the Government to intervene for them to get their dues for 5 months.
Monday, April 10
DECLARATION: Wanjiru Chege, Waithira Muithirania Makes Sterning Declaration
Sabina Wanjiru Chege, a former Journalist, the Women rep for Muranga County and a Teacher by profession who is also Committee chair for education in the National Assembly and her number one rival and colleague Journalist Waithira Muithirania has made a Sterning declaration that means a lot to the two Political bigwigs in Muranga County.
The two political arc rivals made the announcement on Saturday at Ihura Stadium during the launch of School Milk program by Governor Mwangi wa iria.
Wanjiru Chege, endorsed the reelection bid for Governor Mwangi wa Iria noting his development track record in the County. "I beseech you teachers to give the Governor another term to accomplish all the projects that he has initiated," Sabina said. She also complimented The school milk program saying that its very vital for the health of the little children.
On her part Waithira Muithirania urged Muranga residents to vote her alongside Governor Mwangi Wa Iria saying that the duo will compliment each other since she hails from the South while Wa Iria hails from North of Muranga County. "We should be very mindful when electing Leaders, it's unfair for you to vote The Governor, Senator and the Women rep from one side of the County, Vote for Wa Iria and give me the votes for Women rep," Muithirania paused.
The declaration by the two Muranga beauties is a big boost to Governor Mwangi wa Iria who is facing a stiff competition to his political threat Hon Jamlec Irungu Kamau.
Catherine Wanjiku, another Women representative Aspirant who also employed by Wa Iria's administration is also rumoured to support Wa iria though she has never made it public.
Photos of Wanjiru Chege and Waithira Muithirania respectively
Sunday, April 9
BEWARE: Surveillance Equipment To Monitor Online Hatemongers
People and especially youths who are currently surviving with free bundles given by politicians to spread propaganda are targeted.
This is after Interior Cs Joseph Nkaissery announced that The state has acquired surveillance equipment to monitor hatemongers.
“Those private chats you make under your roofs, aimed at inciting Kenyans will be monitored to the letter and our officers will come for you,” Nkaissery said on Saturday.
Speaking during a rally organised by Maasai professionals to drum up support for Jubilee Government held at Kajiado West, Nkaissery said that those arrested shall face the full wrath of the law.
The announcement have not augured well with the Consumer Federation of Kenya who have said they will be challenging the implementation of the system in a Court of law.
If the Implementation of Nkaissery' device is something to go by then it means a few of Muranga youths will be left hopeless as they depend on the online platform to hoodwink politicians to cash in something so as to propagate hate, lies and non existing scandals to boss' rival.
Some of them sleep for only two hours so as to get ample time to type more stuff as possible to please their master and return get free bundles accompanied with a hand out of Ks 5000
KK online News has authoritatively learnt that the desperate Muranga politicians also contract Twitter bloggers to sponsor hash tags to make sure they trend hoping that the move could create more and more perception that it is them who are famous and preferred compared to their competitors.
Friday, April 7
13 Days to the eagerly awaited Jubilee Party Primaries! Drama, confusion, anxiety continues to be witnessed amongst Jubilee Aspirants as some of them are determined to clinch to their Aspirations and are not leaving any chance that could see them through to get Party Certificates.
This is the best time for the electorates, IT gurus,experts, online key board warriors and Wannabe Political analysts to eat.
It is precisely for these reasons that IT Experts have been able to con Aspirants good money in pretext that they would print them Party certificates
Among those who fell prey are three gubernatorial aspirants from Mt Kenya and two from Rift Valley.
Others who lost Millions in the scam are senatorial contenders, with majority of those who fell for the snare being aspirants for the National Assembly seats. Eight ward representative aspirants were also conned by the cunning IT gurus.
A source whispered to KK online that the The three gubernatorial Aspirants are from Muranga Nyeri and Kirinyaga Counties.
It is rumoured that each Gubernatorial Contender has lost close to one Million, Senatorial Aspirants loosing a whooping 700,000 to 'Get the party certificate incase things don't go their way'.
Jamlec Kamau, Governor Mwangi wa iria and Doctor Moses Mwangi are the Gubernatorial contenders in Muranga while Governor Samuel Wamathai, Sen Mutahi Kagwe and a tycoon Wahome Gakuru are in Nyeri Gubernatorial race
In Kirinyaga we have Ann Waiguru, Governor Joseph Ndathi and Martha Karua.
After their plan flopped and exposed 7 IT officers in the Jubilee Party headquarters have been sacked, four in the IT department and three supervisors.
But Since the Party did not want to look bad the seven were arrested and later released since the Jubilee's think tank advised that if they could be taken to Court the Party would suffer negative publicity raising fears to its ardent supporters.
Interestingly when asked about the scam, Party Vice Chairman David Murathe said he was not aware of the episode but was "astonished for such revelations" which he called news.
These revelations happen afew days after KK online highlighted on Rigging Plan that is expected to be executed on the material day.
Thursday, April 6
Few days after KK online News highlighted and exposed a plot to rig Jubilee Party primaries an exercise that is expected to be conducted 11 days from now, Several leaders have given their confirmation that they have tips about the scam.
KK online wondered why they knew about the Ill motive by some greedy, selfish and self seekers but did not come out candidly and boldly to expose it but they had this to say. ' You See, here in Central we are tongue tied to speak anything that would go against our leader, Uhuru Kenyatta because by contradicting him we may be digging our own political grave, But believe me we are fighting (Internally) tooth and mouth to make sure that those who have used Millions of money to get certificate will be in for a rude shock", a Kiharu Member of parliament Aspirant noted adding that he has information that there is also an aspirant who is heard bragging that his connections in Jubilee Party will earn him entry into Parliament come 8/8/2017.
"Since its only few people who works in OP and some greedy administrators we will expose them to our beloved President and they will be fired", An influential and well connected Aspirant lamented.
On her part Muranga Women Representative Sabina Wanjiru Chege castigated those who could be having rigging cards citing that "Politicians should endear themselves to the electorates and expect to reap where they sowed" She has also requested the IEBC to bar such people from vying even after having the Certificates since they gotten them through dubious means. "Let me say this Voters already know who they are going to nominate to the Jubilee Party, what aspirants and leaders should be doing is only to consolidate votes and identifying agents not planning to steal" The outspoken leader paused.
Wednesday, April 5
Traders at the busy congo area of kawangware 46 woke up to a rude shock after fire razed down their shops, bringing their investment and source of income to a standstill. The political temperatures in the area has risen to a boiling point and therefore the inferno and politics is almost inseparable.
Shops which are predominantly hardwares and a cyber were razed down in an early morning fire that is said to have started at 3.
Sources that asked for anonymity disclosed to us that in the recent past, Politics of this area have taken a wide twist with locals from different communities in the larger NASA coalition fronting their.people in all elective seats. Last week. Boda boda rider lit borne fires and barricaded congo kawangware road after one of them was hit by a bus that was used to ferry supporters of a sitting area leader.
LAUGHABLE: A celebrated Kikuyu Secular Artist Defects From A Political Camp After His Boss Allegedly Failed To Honour Dowry Pledge
If there are funny news that KK has broke this year, well it's about the above topic.
Imagine a scary, Hungry, down trodden and desperate young man who looks as if he is as old as Sun probably at his 80s due to malnutrition comes from no where and seeks for your assistance! I bet many of you would assist.
Cook for him some uji, feed him and or even give him shelter!
After you realize that the promising Youth may have a talent, you seek to enquire from him what he or she is good at, education so as to secure him or her a job, his skills or even his or her talent!
You nurture him having taken him as your son (but he is a total stranger) to a point he or she is mature enough to cater for himself.
By thinking you have done enough, you get yourself in for a rude shock, the guy happens to know that you are desperate and that you need his influence to maintain his position in the society and coincidentally he plans for an occasion may be to test whether you will attend or even cash in something.
By a bad luck you fail to show up for the event. Would you expect the nurtured guy to change guard and show allegiance to your critic?
There you are. KK online has learnt that a celebrated, upcoming Kikuyu artist has defected from his political Camp after 'The leaders' camp failed to honour his pledge to his dowry.
A close ally of the Artist has told KK online that a meeting took place on Tuesday with the leader of Now "His new political outfit",and discussed among other things scathing attack and stage managed allegations to his former boss in a political meeting that is expected to take place Coming Saturday and Sunday.
His friend who requested not to be named said that he did not agree with his decision citing that his former camp had moulded him to a 'Person's in the society and his ASANTEH Was to defect just because of a dowry pledge. "I know this friend of mine inside out, he was nobody, nothing Infact hopeless, at times he could cry and ask his God what befell to him thanks God he met his former boss" a source paused. KK online has also learnt that out of his humility he was donated a car by a close confidant of his former boss despite numerous handouts that kept him going.
Others interviewed by KK online has said that since the young boy rose from grass to grace he had changed completely. "He has changed into a monster, from being polite, humble, honesty to arrogant, bully, violent,self-centered and greedy',
This is not the first incident to happen, Muranga upcoming musicians have been blackmailing their political masters. Two Months ago another local musicians got frustrated After his guests did not turn up to his launch save for his relatives who had hired two Nissans to come and appreciate their son.
We will continue to update you on the new moves and happenings regarding the above post.